Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Sr. High Hangout - Join us every Sunday evening from 6:30pm-7:30pm at the church for Sr. High Hangout.
Youth Event Grades 6-12 - are invited to make faith bingo cards and/or prayer boards on
February 9th from 6-8 pm.
Youth Event Grades 9-12 - are invited to decorate heart-shaped sugar cookies for Heart of Clay's Giving Hearts Day fundraiser on 2/11 from 4-5:30pm, dinner will be provided.
Youth Event Grades K-5th - are invited to make prayer jars on February 9th at 11am.
Youth Event Grades 6-12 - are invited to make faith bingo cards and/or prayer boards on
February 9th from 6-8 pm.
Youth Event Grades 9-12 - are invited to decorate heart-shaped sugar cookies for Heart of Clay's Giving Hearts Day fundraiser on 2/11 from 4-5:30pm, dinner will be provided.
Youth Event Grades K-5th - are invited to make prayer jars on February 9th at 11am.

Join us for Sunday School and Bible Study each Sunday morning!
8-12 graders, join us for Sr. High Hangout each Sunday evening at the church for fellowship and games!